
Sinister Sutures Of The Sempstress – DCC horror module #2

5000 Ft

A szülők tévedtek! A szörny ott bujkál a szekrényben! Ez a 6. szintűek számára késztett kaland a karakterek biztonság érzetét zúzza szét, mikor a saját otthonukban éri utol őket a rettegés…


Megjelenés: 2016. október

Gyártó: Goodman Games

2 készleten

A level 6 adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics.

Mother was wrong: There are monsters in the closet.

Terror seeks out the adventurers in the safety of their own homes, drawing them into a tailored web of vengeance long-deferred. Torn from their beds, the PCs find themselves trapped in the House of Tattered Remnants, the home and prison of an eldritch entity known only as The Sempstress. The adventurers must overcome patchwork horrors, unearthly craftsmen, and even the unraveling of their own realities if they hope to defeat the Sempstress in her lair and escape the House. Or will they be unmade by The Sempstress’ evil

Tömeg 0,3 kg
Méretek 28 × 22 × 0,2 cm
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