
Incursion Of The Ultradimension – Mutant Crawl Classics #3

5000 Ft

Terra A.D.-t még soha nem látott idegen lények özönlik el!


Megjelenés: 2022. november

Gyártó: Goodman Games


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A level 2 adventure for Mutant Crawl Classics RPG!

It rises — silent, ancient, and ominous — from the depths of the Monster Ocean.

A curious relic of the Ancient Ones, long forgotten beneath the waves. Then, without warning, alien creatures never before seen on Terra A.D. spill forth the ravage the land! This is the Retreat of Delirium, home to strange super-science and creatures not of this world.

What fiendish plans do they have in store for the rad-blasted world of Terra A.D.? Venture through the Retreat’s glowing door and discover what awaits beyond!

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