
CoC Horror on the Orient Express

32 .000 Ft

Klasszikus horror kaland, 2 vaskos kötetben


Megjelenés: 2021. július

Gyártó: chaosium

1 készleten

HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS contains a massive and legendary campaign, of up to nineteen adventures and more than 700 pages, for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. Beginning in 1920s London, the investigators journey to Paris and thence to the ancient city of Constantinople. With luck, they also return home.

Optional episodes are set in ancient times or special places (Roman-era, Dark Ages, Gaslight-era, the Dreamlands), so that the players can experience the founding, creation, and discovery of crucial elements of this campaign. Also included is a modern-day coda to the storyline, an alternate ending for those wishing a shorter campaign, and a built-in survival guide to aid beleaguered investigators.

Two-Volume Hardcover book set includes the complete campaign & player handouts. 24 x 18 inch full color Poster Map

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