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Ultimate NPCs: Warfare

16000 Ft

Csata, háború meséléséhez elengedhetetlen.
Mesélők és játékosok számára is hasznos!


Megjelenés: 2021. augusztus

Gyártó: Nord-Games-Logo-Black

2 készleten

Step onto the Battlefield.

Horns blare, spears clatter, horses madden at the scent of death, and soldiers cry out for glory, vengeance, righteousness, and bloodlust; for both heroes and monsters are forged in the crucible of war…

A tool for Game Masters and Players alike, Ultimate NPCs: Warfare offers:

  • A full-world warfare character collection
  • War and battle backstories
  • Quick-reference stats for characters
  • NPC or player character options

Ultimate NPCs: Warfare is a collection of fully fleshed-out characters to populate your game world. From high command to the cook’s tent, you’ll find a variety of soldiers, auxiliaries, and noncombatants within, each with the backstory and statistics necessary to run as an NPC or player character.

Product Specs:

  • 30 finely crafted NPCs (levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20)
  • 180 unique characters
  • Compatible with 5th Edition

So strap on your armor, sharpen your sword, and meet your comrades-in-arms. Order today so that you can enjoy new and exciting characters in your tabletop RPG tomorrow!

Tömeg 1,5 kg
Méretek 29 × 22 × 2 cm
Könyv borító

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Az Ön kosara üres

Vissza a boltba
Ingyenes GLS vagy Foxpost automatába szállítás 10 000 Ft felett (kivétel Magic: The gathering 40 000 Ft felett)