The World Of Deuslair – Bestiary Book

12000 Ft

160 oldala szörnykönyv, extrákkal.


Megjelenés: 2024. április

Gyártó: archon studio logo

5 készleten

Forged in the eternal dance between two deities, Chaos and Order, the world of
Deuslair is rife with danger at every turn. As a humble servant to your curiosity, I’ve
faced these perils, meticulously chronicling them for your enlightenment.
This bestiary captures only a fraction of the wonders witnessed during my numerous
travels across this land. Yet, each entry, filled with my knowledge, serves as
a testament to the horrifying existence of these creatures—their anatomy, primal
instincts, and the terrors unleashed upon hapless souls who cross their path.

I present to you the Deuslair Bestiary.

The Best Sailor of the Misty Waters,
Alchemist, Cartographer, Scholar,
and a humble chronicler of History,
Van Kler


– 160 pages
– hardcover
– 50+ entries describing groups of creatures or organizations.
– 150+ diverse encounter choices.
– Descriptions of unique ecosystems.
– Game Master hooks for introducing each creature.
– 5E statistics and system-agnostic descriptions.
– Extra space for Game Master notes or other system statistics.
– Statistics for playable races.

Tömeg 0,8 kg
Méretek 30,5 × 22 × 0,1 cm
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Könyv ISBN száma

5 901414 676148

Könyv írója

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