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Az Ön kosara üres

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The Web Of All-Torment – DCC horror module #6

5000 Ft

A kalandozók megtalálják álmaik otthonát, az idilli helyet a pihenésre, ott ahol a felfoghatatlan gonosz rejtőzik…


Megjelenés: 2020. október

Gyártó: Goodman Games

1 készleten

A level 3 DCC Horror adventure.

A group of adventurers finds the perfect place to retire: a sweet little inn in a quiet town. But is it what it seems? Lurking beneath the surface of this idyllic spot is a secret so evil as to defy mortal comprehension. This is the Web of All-Torment, the source of all the world’s nightmares, and escaping may be the greatest challenge the adventurers have ever faced.

This shadow realm is the domain of horrors whose seemings can never be trusted, and even the imprisoned have become instruments of torture.

Tömeg 0,3 kg
Méretek 22 × 0,2 cm
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Az Ön kosara üres

Ugrás az összes termékhez