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Az Ön kosara üres

Vissza a boltba

The Sword of Rami

4999 Ft

Inallu kis birodalmának szent jelképét, Rami kardját egy sötéttünde nő által vezetett gyíkember csapat elrabolta. A királyság sora múlik a kalandozók következő lépésen, ebben a 6. szintűek számára írt kalandban.
A külcsín felidézi a régi idők AD&D  hangulatát.


Megjelenés: 2016. november

Gyártó: Troll Lord Games

3 készleten

For generations the Kings of the small realm of Inallu have held the Sword of Rami as a symbol of their people. It is brought forth only when a new King is crowned.

But the unthinkable has happened….

While transporting the sword through the Fushdam Bottoms, a group of stalwart heroes were ambushed by a contingent of lizardfolk led by a female twilight elf. Quickly overcome, the heroes were left for dead, and the sword taken. This is where our story begins, as the heroes awaken, tending their wounds, discussing what to do next. The fate of the kingdom lies in their hands, and what an evil person might do with the sword is unthinkable. Their duty is clear….

Tömeg 0,30 kg
Méretek 28 × 22 × 0,2 cm
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Könyv tartalma


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Az Ön kosara üres

Vissza a boltba