Player’s Guide – Tales of the Valiant
21000 Ft
A Kobold Press gondolt egyet és megteremtette a Dungeons and Dragons 5. kiadásának alternatíváját, a Tales of the Valiant -t.
A Player’s Guide a karkter készítés, karakter opciók mellet a megújult harci szabályokat és még sok minden mást mutat be, amik egy játékhoz szükségesek.
Megjelenés: 2024. július
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Tales of the Valiant: Player’s Guide
Join the Ranks of the Valiant!
Every adventure needs a beginning. Start your own tale in an infinite universe of high fantasy adventure with the Tales of the Valiant Player’s Guide! Within these pages, a trove of knowledge lies ready, waiting for the valiant to claim it!
- Make your own unique and legendary hero with the new Lineage and Heritage system.
- Select Talents and Backgrounds that make your hero truly stand apart.
- Master improved spellcasting and martial abilities to ensure every hero stands tall in a fight!
- Explore new downtime rules to expand your game beyond the dungeon.
- Learn a streamlined, 5E-compatible ruleset with unique mechanics to increase both risk and reward.
Tales of the Valiant is a Black Flag Roleplaying Game from Kobold Press. Gather your friends and journey together across a labyrinth of worlds in search of adventure!
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