Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Dice Set (7)

4500 Ft

A Paizo és a Q Workshop szerelemgyermeke ez a kockakészlet.


1 készleten

Six steps of the epic ladder

Our dice are great to help you play, but it is up to your character if they can become commemorated in the myths of Golarion. Roll the dice and see what you need to survive to complete the task:
The earth must shake and divide like the sea, but our heroes can’t be afraid! – The Worldwound Incursion;
They should find a symbol, something that will unite people under their command so that they would have an army to fight demons—Sword of Valor;

– They can’t surrender to anyone, even the mighty Templars, or traitors, or great worms, or golden-tongued succubi—Demon’s Heresy;
– Even if the path led the team to the Abyss, you could not stray from it because then the world would be doomed—The Midnight Isles;
– Each labyrinth has a way out, and in each one, you can find a place where a man becomes a demon, or demons come out of him—Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth;
– Sometimes the seal on the wound of the world must be sealed with the hero’s blood or with his life. This is the fate of the heroes—the City of Locusts.

Tömeg 0,2 kg
Méretek 12,5 × 7,5 × 2 cm
Kocka anyaga

Kocka darabszám

Kocka gyártója

Kocka mérete

Kocka nyelve

Kocka színe


Kocka típusa

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Kocka sorozat



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