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Pathfinder Rise of Runelords Dice Set (7)

5000 Ft

A Paizo és a Q Workshop szerelemgyermeke ez a kockakészlet.


1 készleten

Let’s live this one more time!

We recommend these dice to all who want to see how well the classic is today, how great the entire Rise of the Runelord campaign is. Perhaps you’ve already played Runelords, and now you’re looking for a campaign that gives you the chance to show all of your skills and talents as a Game Master? Maybe as a player, you want a set that evokes good memories or has been surrounded by a legend for years and called „must-have” for all Pathfinder and role-playing games fans. In RPG it’s nice to roll dice for classic reasons. just like for example: when a beginner team encounters goblins (as in Burnt Offerings), an evil cult would like to skin our heroes (as in Skinsaw Murders), or heroes plan to attack the fort with sheer pride combined with way too many experience points (The Hook Mountain Massacre). These dice will also be useful for the high-level slayers of the giants (Fortress of the Stone Giant) and those who will crown their careers as adventurers with the defeat of the Runelords, who are truly the ultimate monster in the Pathfinder bestiary (Sins of the Saviors and Spires of Xin-Shalast).

Tömeg 0,2 kg
Méretek 12,5 × 7,5 × 2 cm
Kocka anyaga

Kocka darabszám

Kocka gyártója

Kocka mérete

Kocka nyelve

Kocka színe


Kocka típusa

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Kocka sorozat



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Az Ön kosara üres

Vissza a boltba
Ingyenes GLS vagy Foxpost automatába szállítás 10 000 Ft felett (kivétel Magic: The gathering 40 000 Ft felett)