Paranoia RPG Core Starter Set – Red Clearance Edition
20000 Ft
Megjelenés: 2017.
Gyártó: .
3 készleten
‘Trust the Computer! The Computer is your friend!
You are a Troubleshooter! Congratulations!
As a Troubleshooter, you are a member of Alpha Complex’s most expendable elitce force. Tasked with finding trouble and shooting it, you will be hunting mutants, terrorists, traitors, [CLASSIFIED], secret societies, renegade bots, and DAIVs, which are [REDACTED]. You’ll save Alpha Complex from its greatest threat, unless you accidentally become Alpha Complex’s greatest threat (1).
All-new mechanics include a simple yet brilliant character-generation system, a bluffing-based card-driven combat system, a special Computer Dice which means even the simplest interaction can become hilariously fatal, in-game XP Point rewards, and more advice to GMs than you can shake a stick at (2).
Everything the same but everything is different (3). And more perfect than ever (4).
You look worried, citizen. Relax! This is is the Best of All Possible Editions of Paranoia. You still have six clones and a very shiny laser pistol. The Computer is still your friend. What could possibly go wrong (5)?
The roleplaying classic loyally rebuilt from the ground up. A darkly humorous future, upgraded for the post-privacy present.
(1) This is only to be expected in the Best of All Possible Worlds.
(2) Stick-shaking leads to traitorous/terrorist behavior and is correctable with laser field surgery.
(3) If you don’t understand how that’s possible then your Cerebral Coretech needs to be adjusted. Please stand still while your brain is turned off and on again.
(4) How can perfection be improved? That information is not available at your security clearance.
(5) Guaranteed safe for all possible values of ‘wrong’.’
Tömeg | 1,3 kg |
Méretek | 23 × 15,5 × 5,5 cm |
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Könyv ISBN száma | 9781908460646 |
Könyv szabályrendszere |
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