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Az Ön kosara üres

Ugrás az összes termékhez

Night of the Bog Beast

6000 Ft

Valami ősi dolog szabadult el a mocsárban. Furcsa kiáltásokat hallottak a sötétben, homályos alakokat láttak a mangrovefák között, és a helyi gyerekek suttogva meséltek egy leselkedőről, aki a sötétségből jött értük. Egy rémség, amely mindazok életét fenyegeti, akikkel találkozik.


Megjelenés: 2022. október

Gyártó: Goodman Games

3 készleten

A level 2 DCC Horror adventure.

The alligator-infested waterways of the Twilight Marsh harbor a mystery. Last year a child went missing for a week, before being found deep within the marshlands. So far from home, that it was unimaginable as to how she could have gotten there. Despite being questioned, Little Idris said nothing. She only smiled.

You see, Little Idris has a secret…

But those events of last year refuse to remain buried, and something ancient has been released in the swamp. Strange cries have been heard in the darkness, indistinct shapes have been seen among the mangroves, and local children tell whispered stories of a lurker, coming for them out of the darkness. A horror that threatens the lives of all it encounters. 

Whatever it is, it is not human.

Whatever it is, it kills without mercy.

Whatever it is, it must be stopped. 

Can you survive… the Night of the Bog Beast?

Tömeg 0,3 kg
Méretek 28 × 22 × 0,2 cm
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Az Ön kosara üres

Ugrás az összes termékhez