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MORK BORG Cult – Feretory

8400 Ft

A MÖRK BORG Cult: Feretory egy bűnös fanzin, amely tele van a közösség által készített új kasztokkal, kalandokkal és szörnyű kincsekkel, melyek használhatók a MÖRK BORG vagy más szabálykönnyű sötét fantasy játékokhoz.


Megjelenés: 2021.

Gyártó: Rowan, Rook & Decard

2 készleten

MÖRK BORG CULT: FERETORY is a sinful zine full of community made classes, adventures and horrible treasures for use with MÖRK BORG or other rules-light dark fantasy games. It includes:

  • The Monster Approaches… Create your own terrible foe with this monster generator. Determine appearance, behavior, abilities, goal and strange habits for your new friend.
  • Roads to Damnation. Simple rules for overland travel, including distances, road encounters, village types and destinations.
  • Eat Prey Kill. Rules for hunting for food (or sport). Also 54 fully statted monsters, 6 for each major area of the dying world.
  • The Death Ziggurat. A delve into the ruins of a lost temple city where something is awakening. A descent into undead madness. A Cosmic Necrocrawl at the end of time. The Death Ziggurat is a short adventure about postponing the inevitable.
  • d100 Items & Trinkets. What can be scored in the darkest of cellars and the rucksacks of the fallen? Use this list of keepsakes and trinkets to find out.
  • The Goblin Grinder. The streets of Galgenbeck are overrun with goblins, turning burgher and pauper alike into their own cursed kin. But not to worry! For a low cost, a local chemist can whip up a cure. Until the price rises anyway. Risks? Of course not, it’s tested and guaranteed to work! A cursed urban slaughterfest of an adventure about plagues, panic and profit.
  • The Tenebrous Reliquary. A d66 table of terrible treasures. The Volt Thrower and the Plasmatic Idol. The Cauldron of Lies and the Zodiac Lung. Tyrant’s Tongue and the Foehammer.
  • The Grey Galth Inn. Welcome to this fine (ish) establishment in the bad part of Galgenbeck where you can eat, drink and hope to multiply your coins with a game of Three Dead Skulls.
  • The Tablets of Ochre Obscurity. Ancient, sought-after clay tablets containing Powers that only the most enlightened mystic (or forlorn philosopher) can hope to wield.
  • Four additional classes: The shapeshifting Cursed Skinwalker, the alien Pale One, the blasphemous Dead God’s Prophet and the despondent Forlorn Philosopher.
  • Dark Fort: Included in the zine is also the micro/solo dungeon crawling game DARK FORT and a couple of character sheets for that game.
Tömeg 0,6 kg
Méretek 21,5 × 15 × 0,2 cm
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