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Legend of the Five Ring – Beginner Game

11500 Ft

Kezdőcsomag a becsület és az acél földjén játszódó szerepjátékhoz, melyben minden megtalálható az azonnali játékhoz.

Megjelenés: 2024. február
Gyártó: Edge Studio

3 készleten

Gather your friends, ready your katana, and prepare to become a samurai in the Emerald Empire of Rokugan!

The Legend of the Five Rings Beginner Game allows anyone to take on the role of a Samurai in Rokugan With a full range of four character folios, a fully realized adventure book, a set of custom dice, a map of Rokugan, a variety of tokens and a complete set of rules including a play example, The Legend of the Five Rings Beginner Game gives newbies and veterans alike the perfect door to the Emerald Empire.

Whether you are brand-new to roleplaying or just new to the Legend of the Five Rings, the Beginner Game is the perfect starting point for players of all skill levels. Open the box and begin playing immediately!

The Legend of the Five Rings Beginner Game features a complete, learn-as-you-go adventure. Players can jump right in and play as they learn the game, using pre-generated character folios that keep the rules right at their fingertips. Custom dice and an exciting gameplay system make every roll a dramatic event. Detailed rules provide for hours of entertainment as you create your own adventures and tell your own stories. This is a complete standalone game for 3–5 players.

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