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Knights of Lastwall

16000 Ft


Gyártó: Paizo

Megjelent: 2022. április
Rendszer: Pathfinder 2

1 készleten

Fulfill your oath! When the armies of the Whispering Tyrant marched on Lastwall, the keeps and cities may have fallen, but its people and their spirit did not falter! Lost Omens Knights of Lastwall takes a detailed look at the knights that took up arms to continue the fight against the undead hordes and evils that roam the world. This book presents information on the Knights of Lastwall organization, from joining the ranks, to knightly training, to the missions to protect the innocent and defeat evil. The book also features new rules content including new equipment, magic items, spells, and support for Knights of Lastwall archetypes for players who want to play a knight in their campaigns!

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Cikkszám: PF2006 Kategóriák: , Címkék: , , ,


Az Ön kosara üres

Vissza a boltba
Ingyenes GLS vagy Foxpost automatába szállítás 10 000 Ft felett (kivétel Magic: The gathering 40 000 Ft felett)