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Az Ön kosara üres

Vissza a boltba

Keys From the Golden Vault

17000 Ft

13 db egy alkalmas, „bankrablós” kaland melyeket  1-11 szintű karaktereknek szánták. A világok egyik dnd világhoz sem kapcsolódnak, azokat szabadon beépítheted a saját világos kampányaiba.
Megismerheted a Golden Vault, világszíntű szervezetet.  Extra mesélői támogatások ezekhez a speciális igényű kalandokhoz, de a játékosok is jól járnak, térképek segítik a betörések precíz megtervezését.


Megjelenés: 2023. február


3 készleten

An anthology of 13 heist-themed adventures for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

Some jobs require more than simply wielding a sword or slinging a spell. Whether it’s procuring a well-guarded item or obtaining crucial information from an imprisoned contact, these tasks require careful planning and flawless execution. The secretive organization called the Golden Vault specializes in hiring crews for such jobs, and for the most daunting assignments—pursuing fabulous treasures and stopping dire threats—that crew is your characters.

Keys from the Golden Vault™ is a collection of 13 short, standalone Dungeons & Dragons adventures designed for characters levels 1–11. These adventures can be placed in any setting and you can run them as one-shot games or link them together into a campaign. This book also includes in-world maps to help players plan their heists, plus advice for running nontraditional games with high risks and huge rewards.

    • Book of 13 stand-alone adventures spanning levels 1–11, each focused on a single heist
    • Adventures can be set in any D&D or homebrew world and can be played individually or as part of a full campaign
    • Introduces the Golden Vault—a mysterious organization for which the player characters can work as heist operatives
    • Each adventure includes a map to guide Dungeon Masters and a map to help players plan their heists
    • Adventures emphasize player choice with each heist having multiple paths toward success
  • Includes advice and detailed information for Dungeon Masters running nontraditional adventures with high risks and huge rewards
Tömeg 1 kg
Méretek 29 × 22 × 1 cm
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Az Ön kosara üres

Vissza a boltba