Gods And Goddesses Redux – Dungeons And Dragons 5. kiadás
13000 Ft
Éld meg a gazdagon illusztrált oldalakat, amelyek az istenek és istennők világát hozzák eléd. Ez a minőségi kiadvány betekintést enged az ősi mitológiákba, ihletet adva játékaid számára. Tárd fel a lehetőségeket, és gazdagítsd élményeidet!
Megjelenés: 2019. december
1 készleten
Jetpack7 is pleased to announce Gods and Goddesses: Redux, a revised and expanded version of our very first book.
Packed full of content, Gods and Goddesses: Redux is an excellent resource for world building with 19 deities. It is a treasure trove of of 35+ player options and spells, intriguing mini-adventuresto add to your campaigns, and an all around “divine” book to add to your collection of 5th Edition supplements! Oh, and it has great art. Did we say great art?
An homage to the Deities and Demigods of previous editions, Gods and Goddesses presents deities you can use in your game! Present them as “new gods”, or as “old gods” that have returned to the world. It’s up to you. Change the course of events by inserting these new deities with a surprising bang, or reveal them slowly over time. Included with each deity is a cleric domain and a paladin oath, giving 32 brand-new player options. New spells, new magic items, and rich lore for each entry in the book, providing you and your players with a wealth of content for years to come.
These are contemporary portrayals of deities from cultures from around our real world that can be inserted into any 5th edition campaign setting. What better way to add some vibrant diversity to such a wonderful game? Certainly, some of the names will be familiar like Freyja and Baba Yaga, but many are lesser-known deities providing new content for your game. This is your world where you and your players can find out how these new Gods and Goddesses will have an impact beyond what has ever been seen before.
Tömeg | 1 kg |
Méretek | 28 × 22 × 3 cm |
Könyv borító | |
Könyv kiadó | |
Könyv megjelenés | |
Könyv nyelve | |
Könyv tartalma | |
Könyv szabályrendszere |
Csak bejelentkezett és a terméket már megvásárolt felhasználók írhatnak véleményt.
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