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Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen (Alt Cover) gyűjtői kiadás

17000 Ft

A Shadow of the Dragon Queen könyv tartalmaz egy 1. és 11. szint közti kalandot, amely bemutatja Krynn-t. Ezen kívül új Dragonlance specifikus karakter opciókat mutat be, mint új faj , új hátterek. A kaland a Sárkánydárda háborúk körüli konfliktust meséli el.

Részletes leírás a Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen kalandról a Kalandok és Sárkányok oldalon


Megjelenés: 2022. december 6.


6 készleten


March to war against the Dragon Armies in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.
Takhisis the Dragon Queen has returned to the world of Krynn. Across the land, her armies of fanatical draconians wage a brutal war of conquest. As the Dragon Armies march on the unprepared nation of Solamnia, only the defenders of the city of Kalaman stand in their way. But the Dragon Armies want more than just to crush their foes. An ancient evil in the Dragon Queen’s service seeks a magical weapon that could dominate Krynn for all time.
Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen is a tale of conflict and defiance set during the legendary War of the Lance. Create characters from Krynn, the world of the Dragonlance setting, then march them to the front lines of battle against the terrifying Dragon Armies.
Optionally, use the Dragonlance: Warriors of Krynn board game to bring this adventure’s massive battles to your Dungeons & Dragons game.

Tömeg 1 kg
Méretek 29 × 22 × 1 cm
Könyv borító

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