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Dark Tower (3 Volume Slipcased Set) – Dungeon Crawl Classics

34000 Ft

Mi vár rád? Egy régi d&d kaland újraírása a DCC szabályaival, új kalandok, novellák egy díszdobos kiadásban.

És mi vár a játékosokra? Mesés gazdagság, hírnév, HALÁL.


Megjelenés: 2024. május

Gyártó: Goodman Games

3 készleten

Deluxe 3 volume DCC RPG conversion of the classic Dark Tower — suitable for 3rd level and above

More than 500 pages exploring the world and legacy of this classic dungeon, in three deluxe hardcover volumes!

Untold riches, ultimate power, undying glory, and gruesome death can all be found in Dark Tower! Dark Tower is an homage to the classic adventure and is a full DCC RPG conversion, plus additional all-new material. A three-volume set presented in a slipcase, these books contain a reprint of the original adventure plus essays from industry luminaries (Volume 1), a full DCC RPG conversion of the classic adventure (Volume 2), and three brand new adventures, The Chosen Sons of Set (Volume 3). This sprawling campaign is suitable for 3rd level and higher characters and can be easily dropped into your own setting.

  • Volume 1 reprints the original Dark Tower with annotations
  • Volume 2 is a full DCC RPG conversion of Dark Tower
  • Volume 3 features three new DCC adventures set in the world of Dark Tower
Tömeg 3,15 kg
Méretek 295 × 23 × 6,5 cm
Könyv borító


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