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Az Ön kosara üres

Ugrás az összes termékhez

Cherry Blossom Petals – Japanese Dice Set

8000 Ft

Engedd, hogy a cseresznyevirágok varázsa vezesse dobásaidat ezzel a különleges japán stílusú dobókészlettel! A Cherry Blossom Petals kockakészlet finom részletei és elegáns megjelenése a természet szépségét idézi – tökéletes választás, hogy egyedi hangulatot vigyen a játékodba.

2 készleten

Japanese Dice Set: Cherry Blossom Petals

The genesis of the Japanese Dice Set is strongly influenced by Virtues derived from the old traditions of the Samurai, known in the West mainly in an embellished, romantic version. This is completely sufficient to transfer certain elements to our times, creating a vision of the Samurai as a man not only trained in combat but also having adamant willpower, unrelenting self-discipline, and a strong system of values. According to the Bushido Code, these noble warriors were a great example of what every man and woman should strive to be in their lives.

The Bushido Code is represented by seven major Virtues, originally called Gi, Rei, Yu, Meiyo, Jin, Makoto, and Chu – translated as Integrity, Respect, Courage, Honor, Compassion, Honesty, and Loyalty, respectively. We wanted our Japanese Dice to reflect these Virtues in a non-obvious but eloquent way. We know that our fans are gifted with great imagination, so we allow ourselves the following interpretation.

The Cherry Blossom Petals set reflects the spirit of the Bushido Code by focusing on your inner self, striving to get to know yourself the best you can. On the path of self-improvement, one of the most important issues is awareness of our strengths and weaknesses. When we know the source of our reactions, we know the potential effects of leaving them without control. Then we can work on mastering them to such an extent that we do not lose control over our behavior in any situation. Picture this: you’re about to take the most important roll in the adventure, and a critical failure occurs. The thing is, not every GM knows the Kanji characters, so you can just fudge the roll… If you’re calm enough to not give the ruse away. In this scenario, the Cherry Blossom Petals set comes to the rescue!

Tömeg 0,3 kg
Méretek 15 × 10,5 × 2,5 cm
Kocka anyaga

Kocka darabszám

Kocka mérete

Kocka nyelve

Kocka gyártója

Kocka sorozat

Japanese Dice Set

Kocka típusa

Kocka színe



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Cikkszám: DNDDICE003 Kategória: Címkék: ,


Az Ön kosara üres

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