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Az Ön kosara üres

Vissza a boltba

An Unexpected Wedding Invitation

14000 Ft

Ez a kaland egy egyszeri romantikus-rejtélyes kaland, amely bármilyen kampányban felhasználható. 3. szintű karakterek számára ajánlott.


Megjelenés: 2022. szeptember

Gyártó: Midnight Tower

2 készleten

An Unexpected Wedding Invitation is a Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition adventure by Midnight Tower. It is designed for a group of three to five 3rd-level characters, but includes scalable encounters to suit any level from 1-20.
This adventure is a one-shot romantic mystery adventure that can be used in any campaign.
You are invited to an elvish wedding and an evening filled with mystery, intrigue, and romance.
The event is a wonderful opportunity for finding love and ever-lasting friendships.
However, social events are perilous. Small mistakes can lead to gossip, a tarnished reputation, public disaster – and even dangerous duels.
To make things worse, a guest is suddenly found dead!
You must find out what happened before the evening is over, but without rousing the suspicion of the other guests or potential love interests.


➛ A romantic mystery adventure inspired by Jane Austen
➛ New monster: Goblin Queen
➛ Unique magical item: Ring of the Elven Court
➛ Detailed NPCs with background descriptions, agendas, and secrets
➛ Legend & Lore: Argentïs Falls
➛ Original high-quality colour illustrations and artworks
➛ 86 pages of content
➛ Detailed high-resolution maps

Tömeg 1 kg
Méretek 29 × 22 × 1 cm
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Az Ön kosara üres

Vissza a boltba
Ingyenes GLS vagy Foxpost automatába szállítás 10 000 Ft felett (kivétel Magic: The gathering 40 000 Ft felett)